Ayurvedic Cough Syrup Best in Diarrhoea, Chronic Cough, throat infection and sore throat

Herbs exhibit antiphlogistic properties helpful in respiratory infections. It acts as Antiphlogistic agent that helps provide relieve in diarrhea.

Herbal Ingredients with Inflammation Opposing Characteristics


  • Herbs with Antiphlogistic Properties helpful in chronic cough

Regular use fetches enough time for the herbs to ease throat sore and infection. Inherits anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory features helpful in combating against bacterial infections.

  • Antispasmodic and Antiphlogistic Agent

Herbs exhibit antiphlogistic properties helpful in respiratory infections. It acts as Antiphlogistic agent that helps provide relieve in diarrhea.

  • Dalchhini – Acts as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidants, carminative, antiseptic agent.
  • Lavvang – Possesses antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties.
  • Medicinal Herbs helps in the ailment of Diarrhoea and Chronic Cough

Contains potential herbs possessing bioactive components, helpful respiratory and digestive system disorders.

  • Tez Patra – helpful in diarrhea, and colic conditions.
  • Naga Kesara – helpful in asthma, cough, bronchitis, chronic dysentery
  • Marichh – helpful in diarrhea, nasal congestion
  • SheetalChini - helpful in cold & cough and diarrhea


An Ayurvedic cough syrup which is formulated to help reduce respiratory diseases - chronic cough, and throat inflammations. and alleviate digestive disorders like diarrhea condition. The herbs used are also helpful in preventing skin inflammation caused due to high fever.

 Acacia Arabica (Babul Chhal) is an essential herb which is helpful in preventing skin infections. digestive system disorders (Diarrhea, intestinal worms), diabetes etc. It inherits antiphlogistic properties helpful in reducing inflammations and/or fevers, as it is also known for its inflammation resistance feature.

An Organic cough syrup possesses medicinal herbs that are used in the preparation of medicines for treating sore throat, throat infection, infected throat, skin infection, digestive system disorders (Diarrhea, intestinal worms), and diabetes. The efficacy of medicines depends upon the herb’s purity, and their proportional mix. Contains herbs with diverse pharmacological features, helpful in accelerating overall functional abilities of the body.

Ingredients with therapeutic abilities

Acacia Arabica, Woodfordia Fruitcosa, Piper Longum

  • Myristica Fragrans – antispasmodic, laxative, digestive, carminative
  • Piper Cubeba - is a nutritive herb (spice) helpful in Cold & Cough, Gastritis and digestion, respiratory diseases, fever, fatigue etc. Effective herb against asthma and diarrhea
  • Cinnamomum Zeylancium – exhibits properties - anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidants, carminative, antiseptic and inherits minerals like - calcium, manganese, iron.
  • Cinnamomum Tamla – rich in bioactive compounds, diarrhea, colic, nausea, gastric problems.
  • Mesua Ferrea - effective herbs in asthma, cough, bronchitis and conditions. Helpful in bleeding diarrhea and haemorrhoids, and chronic dysentery.
  • Syzygium Aromaticum– antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties, counteracts against cancerous cells, and helpful in preventing fungal growth.
  • Piper Nigrum - Diarrhea, Nasal congestion, headaches, toothaches, arthritis,


  • Helpful in reducing chronic cough and respiratory inflammatory condition due to its rich medicinal properties which acts as antitussive and spasmolytic agent.
  • Inherits therapeutic Ayurvedic ingredients that acts as anti-inflammatory (Antiphlogistic) and anti tussive agent facilitating relief in chronic cough.
  • Helps in preventing fungal growth and in reducing headaches, toothaches problems.
  • May be useful in arthritis, haemorrhoids, and chronic dysentery
  • Exhibits carminative and antiseptic properties.

Product Specifications -

Ingredients - Herbal preparation

Category- Healthcare

Sub-category - Alternative Medicine (Ayurvedic medicine)

Purpose - Chronic cough and Diarrhea   

Application - Internal Intake (Syrup)

Dosage - physician’s direction

Made - INDIA

pls note – medication recommended post-Physician’s direction


  • Do not accept if not sealed
  • Keep it away from children
  • Advised to read the user manual before use
  • Stop consumption in case of any medical complications



Amit Rao - Content Writer
