You no longer need to whisper your message into Eve’s ear, just float your feed online, and in seconds the world has it. If you suspect telecom-tech to be faster than light, you have IQ and of course a debatable topic, to put think-tanks to test-affirm. Comparing, the natural and technology pace isn’t not our tea to sip here, rather it’s the usage part of human innovation we intend to review. The dive is for truth, the influential determinant that makes and change leaders, be it the President of the United States or of any nation. The superpower nation has a very powerful chair and those who chair, even their sneezes are on record. There are events, both desirable and least expected incidents that questions/credits the then serving President. After Donald Trump, Joe Biden is the current President of the United States whose decisions in the recent have raised several concerns. His unsound decisions have led many of his supporters doubt about their choice. The ones who stood for him are not regretting of their decision at the polls.

Assessment of Biden’s moves, have only raised eyebrows with declining popularity.

In a poll report that checks for approval rating, recorded steep 10% decline in Joe Biden’s rating within a 5 months span dropping to 43% which is definitely not healthy symptoms of the President of United States.

The weight that pulled down Joe’s neck really hard was the evacuation of the United States troops from Afghanistan. Around 13 American soldiers and many Afghans lost their life, and the most terrible sight that world saw was Afghans falling from the sky who slipped within the tyres of the American rescue aeroplane to save their lives from the Taliban extremists.
Many expressed rage over Joe Biden’s statement where he said the Afghanistan evacuation to be a successful accomplishment which the world still doesn’t agree.
The conspiracy theory hints about the foul play during the U.S. Presidential Election. It’s speculated that Donald Trump was leading in majority but at the eleventh hour something very surprising happened that turned table in Biden’s favour. Even Trump was shocked to learn about it that also reasons the delay in discharge and handover of the President’s Office to Joe Biden. Things didn’t end and rather it was just the beginning of odds that stepped in with Biden. After Joe Biden took up the affairs of the President office, the Capitol Riot incidence happened which did cost life, and was the first-time-happen event in America, that neither the United States, and nor the World would ever forget.
The most recent, and ongoing crisis, which also seals as Biden’s blunder, is the Ukraine Invasion. It was Joe Biden that was seen yelling on Russia before the invasion with rapid allegation and threatening rounds on Russia. The results are out there, and we all see which countries stand with Ukraine on their soil against Russia. Zelensky, by now would have understood what NATO lure was about.
In-spite of railing decision failures, Biden didn’t get the essence and continues with sanctioning Russia to weaken its economy as compensation for not sending U.S. military on Ukraine soil. The recent toping of Biden that adds more medals to his shoulder is the off-script dialect about the Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Sources confirm Joe Biden’s dialect on the removal of Putin from his President post. The UK counterparts immediately side-lined on learning about his comment on Putin.
Soon to come up with more information like these. Keep in touch.

Thank You

News Writer – Amit Rao
