Henceforth 2022 Women’s Day shall history as Ukraine’s refusal to Russia’s conditions.

Women's Day as Ukraine's Refusal to Russia's Invasion End
“Halt Inspired To Join The Resistance League”
Probably, one of the longest on-ground Russian convoy that stalls days on the 15 miles stretch outside the Ukrainian capital, KYIV, that bags several tactical speculations about Putin’s war-motive. 

Pentagon assumes, but with confidence, the convoy to be arms & ammunition supply for the Russian soldiers in Ukraine, that run short in rationing, fuel, food and other basic human necessities, and of course the fire arms too. But that’s just an assumption of US.

While, others who are not very fond of Russia, relates altogether a different version of the long Russian convoy stall. They say, the seemingly stalled convoy is Putin’s war strategy, that serve as “halt inspired to join the resistance league”.

The chained Russian convoy, which the United States believes to be a re-supply and combat fleet disguised in convoy, another Putin’s war plan that aims to calls the KYIV people to join the resistance against Ukraine.     

The Pentagon’s claim bases on the reliance of the satellite images provided by the Maxar Technologies. There are different perspectives about the 64kms-chained Russian Convoy but lacks authenticity.  

The latest update on the current Russian-Ukraine War WIP is that Zelensky refuses Russia’s conditions of ending the war on Women’s Day, highlighting “Conditions as Russia’s Ultimatum”.

The 4 conditions of Russia to end Ukraine-Invasion

- No Nato membership

- Recognition of Crimea as Russian regional territory

- Declaring Luhansk and Donetsk independent; and

- Ending all Ukraine military action 

Henceforth 2022 Women’s Day shall history as Ukraine’s refusal to Russia’s conditions.

News Writer - Amit Rao
