NATO is fuelling arms and warfare resources including every possible aspect to hinder the special operation carried out by Russia in Ukraine.Iraq, Vietnam, Japan, and Afghanistan’s fate serve as a concrete confirmation. Nations that didn’t dance on the dictated tune of the West, dried-up economy and their Leaders executed.


The Russian Federation’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to the reporters expressed the ideology of the West with regards to the created Russia-phobia. Mr. Lavrov opinion base upon the new geopolitical environment that comprise of nations that together define as multi-polar, which choose operates on own terms that benefits their nations, especially their citizen. The Russian Federation Foreign Minister points out about the consequences that the anti-Russian sanctions, which now seems to serve more inconvenience than hampering the economy of Russia.

The Foreign Minister of Russia – Sergey’s communication contains substance on comparing the present economic condition of Russia with the West’s expectation on sanction imposition. India, being the old trustworthy friend of Russia helps to compensate the economic deficit caused due to business pull-back of the Western from Russia.

While some of the economic expert project, ‘Ruble appreciating’ and ‘Down depreciating’ in the coming years.

Consequences Playing Against the West

Minister Lavrov substantiated the results that the nations faced who chose to adopt it’s their own domestic policy than adhering to the international formulated policies governed by the Western alliance. If cross-checked with the issued statement of Mr. Lavrov, Iraq, Vietnam, Japan, and Afghanistan’s fate serve as a concrete confirmation. Nations that didn’t dance on the dictated tune of the West, dried-up economy and their Leaders executed.

He was reported of comparing the influential dictatorship of the West on the Asia-Pacific region referring to as “Monroe Doctrine”.

Mr. Lavrov sounded confident while referring to the collective attempts of the West trying to change the natural course of the history that it won’t work the way they want it to fruit as the novel world goes Multi-Polar.

Justifying the free will to choose, he mentions about the freedom of selection that every nation have than blind following the West as if under obligation.

Relating the flexible will with the ongoing special operation in Ukraine, the Russian Foreign Minister Mr. Lavrov highlighted the moral to be same, liberating the world from the neo-colonial of the Western ideology.


Mr. Lavrov spotlights the influence of the West on re-chartering the policies of the United Nation, and also highlights mentioning, that the West has forgotten about the multipolarity ideology of the World now.

He said - "These rules are written by Washington and its allies themselves and then imposed on the international community as binding."

"The sooner the West comes to terms with the new geopolitical realities, the better it will be for itself and for the entire international community."

He made it clear that Russia isn’t giving up to the terms of the West and further accuses Nato and the United States of infusing anti-Russian sentiments in Ukraine, as a tool against Russia with objective of containing Moscow.

According to him, the intentional move by the Western alliance of expanding NATO to the East triggered conflict-crisis situation, despite prior political commitments limiting the expansion, and terms it as reckless act.

Mr. Lavrov, on the NATO expansion said -

"As you know, these promises remained empty words. All these years, NATO infrastructure has been moving closer to Russian borders."

He added further that Russia's initiatives on security affirmation were rejected by Washington and Brussels.


To use the last Ukrainian to fight Russia is what the US and EU intentions are said Sergey Lavrov. He points out that the NATO is fuelling arms and warfare resources including every possible aspect to hinder the special operation carried out by Russia in Ukraine.

He also mentioned about the Ukrainian civilian are used to commit barbaric act of shelling cities and treating the Russian prisoners of war as animal.

Lavrov concluded his say by saying that Kyiv must freeze provocation acts and the NATO must stop supplying weapons to Ukraine refraining from hurdling in the special operation of Russia in Ukraine.

 News Writer – Amit Rao

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