It may be looked upon as the wisest decision of Putin, and also signals about the giant leap Russia aims at.


The much talked about crisis, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, seems to sediment as the Russian troops move towards the border after de-Nazifying certain regions of Ukraine, which it believed was necessary to be taken care of.

The United States President - Joe Biden, on the current Ukraine-Russia crisis, delights to mirror Russia stating, no way out of Ukraine war for the Russian President. Though unspoken of, but the world knows the American equation behind the Ukraine-Russia war conflict. Ukraine received warfare supplies from the United States, United Kingdom, and other Western nations to combat the Russia troops in Ukraine.


The reports by the correspondence confirm that Russian military lost many tanks during the invasion feats, including some its Naval sinking in the Black Sea. The modern armaments served to Ukraine to keep up the best fight, are highly sophisticated, and are effective military offensive that pushed Russia to back its foot.

The other crucial part which the West targeted was, the Russian Economy. The United States being the leader, slapped several trade sanctions on Russia to weaken its grip in the Ukraine Invasion.

The other side of the crisis is that, Moscow is determined of not giving up against the West, and neither intends to spare Ukraine. Russia’s invasion makes it very clear, that it will adopt similar operation on nations that are borders Russia Federation if they opt for NATO’s membership.


The intention of the United States were always predictable, it never wished the fire to go off, and at the same time, never openly stepped on the Ukrainian soil directly engaging with Russia. After Ukraine, Finland boldly expresses its will to join as NATO member, another Putin-Provoking act that signals another invasion round, that Russia would engage, sensing threat to its national security.


Hide or be in disguise, Putin loads with rich war intellect, and strategies, and Finland’s intention of joining NATO, isn’t a hard puzzle for him to crack.

The present situation seems to be diluting where Russia diverts forces to another Ukrainian region, and on the other side attends the forest fire issue in Siberia, than fully indulging in countering the moves of the Western provoking plots.


Vladimir Putin moves sternly acts strictly on its Governors with regards to the fire breakouts. He announced the mandatory tasks to the Governors in controlling the fire highlighting about the additional quest in making the fire preventive measures more effective. The Governors are well-versed about the fruits of non-performance. “Either Fire Limit or Post Exit”, Putin’s final ultimatum to the Governors.


The Western alliance and Ukraine are in high delight as something makes them believe that they have over-run Russia with their joint collaborative efforts. But on the contrary, some experts fear of the inception nuclear war by Putin’s side. The speculation of Russia resorting to nuclear attack concerns many war experts, think-tanks, political analysts of the evident nuclear war break-out.

To some extent, their fear aren’t to be ignored as the Russia that pressurized and provoked on three aspects, Ukraine Invasion where the West are fuelling hi-tech artilleries, the international economic sanctions, and lastly Finland’s another provoking act of joining NATO, which may compel Russia to choose nuclear retaliate.

Since February, the day the Ukraine invasion started, the World witnesses how the West deliberately provoked Russia to engage in war, and no concrete attempts of de-escalating the conflict were observed by the American side.

It’s important for the West to anticipate the aftermath of nuclear war, and should also consider about the probable outcome, when a nation like Russia back steps silently for a while.

It may be looked upon as the wisest decision of Putin, and also signals about the giant leap Russia aims at.

Featured Writer – Amit Rao

Google News Publication
