Amit Rao/Jun 17

Ukrainian military from the plant "Azot" in Severodonetsk began to surrender

 MOSCOW, June 17 - RIA Novosti. Some of the Ukrainian servicemen blockaded at the Azot plant in Severodonetsk are ready to voluntarily lay down their arms, Lieutenant Colonel of the People's Militia of the Luhansk People's Republic Andriy Marochko said.

 “In the course of a special military operation on the territory of the Azot enterprise in the city of Severodonetsk, indeed, some Ukrainian military made the right decision and began to surrender,” he said.

 Marochko explained that, for security reasons , the DPR authorities do not disclose the number of those who surrendered and which units they represent, since detachments are working in Severodonetsk , and pressure may be exerted on relatives of military personnel.

As the head of the LNR ,  Leonid Pasechnik , reported in an interview with RIA Novosti , according to estimates, there are up to a thousand Ukrainian nationalists at the Azot plant. In addition, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the LPR , mercenaries from the United States , Great Britain and Poland are also hiding there .

Chemical plant "Azot" is located in Severodonetsk, Luhansk People's Republic. During the liberation of the city, the Russian army and allied troops blocked Ukrainian fighters on the territory of the enterprise.

Since February 24, Russia has been conducting a special military operation to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine . Vladimir Putin called its goal "the protection of people who have been subjected to bullying and genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years." The armed forces strike only at the military infrastructure and Ukrainian troops. The main goal of the operation in the Russian military department was called the liberation of Donbass .

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