Google Helpful Content Uptate

Google Helpful Content Update
Big Shakeup vs. Huge Shakeup

Some #SEO opinion that the rollout of the new helpful content isn't serving the motive it was designed for.

A fifth of the SEO, after studying the considerable change in the ranking, though not much, was confused and incorrectly comprehending the results. They believe the results don't suffice the objective of the helpful #content.

Glenn Gabe - SEO Consultant puts across his opinion measuring the output of the rollout low than the big pre-rollout shout.

 on the big shout before, and low performance, after the rollout of the #Google Helpful Content Update. He wrapped his entire say as "not a huge shake-up".

#DannySullivan, Search Liaison at Google mentioned the update to be big guidance for the people and affirmed that it's an ongoing process of continual refinement, concluding that big doesn't always mean huge.

