BPMN It Certification – Your Career SOS


To tree your dreams, you need to deep-ground your knowledge root, and it’s only then your business stems firm against the odds.

Less or incomplete information serves no good and may result in unfavorable outcomes. It is important knowing the end-to-end of your business process to sustain the competition and make reasonable profits.

But why information are so important to businesses, or to put it the right way, why do C-suites need correct business information?

The non-technical answer is, to know the health of the business. 

Forecasts and budgeting rely on the present and past data which are essential for reporting. The financial statements are the best examples of these business variables. 

Sales and purchases, including expenses and overheads determine the gross/net profits. Business process information helps in measuring business performance and scopes improvement measures.

Hence, it is of utmost importance for businesses to have an effective Business Process Management/ Business Information Management System that provides vital business statistics.

But also note, as correct information is vital to business, so is the time. 

The stakeholders need a standard, easy to comprehend report chart that updates about the status of the business process. It's here where the demand for Business Process Model Notion Program certification seeds. 

Keep reading to know the importance of Beingcert BPMN certification and its other aspects.

Certification Statistics:

According to Pearsonvue Survey Report ‘Value of IT Certification Candidate Report’ 2023, post IT certification, around 92% of the candidates gained confidence in their abilities and 81% expressed confidence in exploring new job opportunities.

The survey participants count stood at 21000 hailing from 176 nations, and region-wise - Asia-Pacific, Europe & U.K., Middle East & and Africa, Latin America & North America.  

Some were IT certified while some were certification aspirants.

Beingcert, the best in IT certification provider, advocates the beneficial aspects of certification. It highlights the career progression that certification fetches to IT professionals and students.

Beingcert BPMN IT certification examination is the ticket to success. It authenticates the candidate’s skill credibility, scoping better job prospects. 

The essence of certification never fades.

What is Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)?

Before enrolling for the Beingcert BPMN exam, it’s important to know the tip-to-toe of BPMN in the industrial realm.

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is also denoted as the de facto standard.

A BPMN graph is an easy-to-interpret reporting format, providing useful insights to stakeholders.

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), formerly developed by BPMI (Business Process Management Initiative), is the preferred and precise method of representing the end-to-end of business processes. It is the global solution that resolves the complexities of business process mapping by providing techniques and symbols that are readable and easily understood. BMPN helps eradicate textual process vagueness, displaying the process conceptually and sequence-wise.

Objectives - BPMN

BPMN graphical reporting aims to represent statistical business information in a way that is assessed and understood even by non-technical professionals/individuals. 

The key objective is to develop a user-friendly business mapping model for:

Ensuring effective sharing of business information

Attempting to identify areas of improvement

Similar to flowcharts, even BPMN’s graphical reporting diagrams engage certain sets of symbols, each signifying an appropriate business context.

The end-users here are the C-suites and stakeholders.

Understanding of BPMN Symbols

BPMN diagram structures symbols categorizing them into four main groups - 

BPMN Flow Objects

BPMN Connecting Objects

BPMN Swimlanes

BPMN Artifacts

Flow Objects

BPMN’s building blocks are known as ‘Flow Objects,’ representing the modelling concept. A process is complete when connecting objects, the connectors, connect the Flow Elements.

Flow Objects allows interactions between business processes within an application process. It broadly constitutes four major components of a process flow – Start and End Object, and Control and Execution Objects. 

Beingcert BPMN certification program covers different Flow Objects types of a business process like but not exact:

Detailing Start and End Point of Process

Addition of User Interaction

Inter-Process Communication

Inclusion of Business Logic

Usage of Sequence Flow for Controlling Process

Usage of Gateways for Controlling Process Flow

Usage of Intermediate Events for Controlling Process Flow

Usage of Sub-Processes

Changing data objects value.

The three majors that makeup flow objects are Activities, Events and Gateways.


A BPMN activity refers to tasks cycled in a business process in an organization/company. 

There are three BPMN activity types: BPMN Task.

These BPMN activity symbols indicates specific task that needs to be performed. Process designers can create many such activities ranging from those that occur once to those that takes place multiple times, or when a specific set of scenarios takes place. 

Activities describe the kind of work that is being done in a particular process instance. 

There are four activity types, Tasks, Sub-Processes, Transactions, and Call Activities.

BPMN Task 

BPMN Task symbolizes the most basic level activity, describing the concise action for task completion. 

It is an atomic activity within a process flow wherein task creation is done when the activity cannot be further fragmented for detailing. 

BPMN Sub-Process 

BPMN Sub-Process is an additional process that sub-heads under the main process, culminating as one, is known as the sub-process. It symbolizes a group of tasks that cluster well together. ‘Collapsed View’ and 'Expanded Sub-Process View'’ are the two different BPMN Sub-Process views. The former is in an expandable plus sign, optioning ‘More Details,’ whereas the latter has large spaces in houses to fit in the full sub-process. 

BPMN Transaction Symbol 

BPMN Transaction is a specialized sub-process that denotes the function of payment processing that involves payment but isn’t limited here, it’s much more. BPMN Transactions are a group of activities that would need to be underdone in case of an error detection in the process. To have the same state as it was before encountering an error, one needs to reverse-roll all the actions, and this activity in IT terminology is known as ‘roll back.’ 

BPMN Call Symbol

BPMN Call Symbol, a global sub-process, refers to Tasks and Sub-Processes usable in different or multiple areas of a process.


Events symbol serves as a trigger, capable of initiating a starting point, intermediate step, or the ending point of a specific process. 

Events can commonly be: 

BPMN Start Event Symbol signals the first step of a business process.

BPMN Intermediate Event Symbol represents events occurring amid start and end events

BPMN End Event Symbol signals the concluding steps of the business process.

Examples of BPMN Events are listed below:

Timer symbol can denote the start of a timer. For example, a free subscription trial offer is for a particular period (30 days, 60 days, etc.) where customers have the cancellation option within the subscription period.

Link signifies a process pathing to a larger ecosystem, linking to a new task and separate set. 

Message – contains information routed via some technology interface, like Electronic Data (EDI) or Document Interchange).

The Event Symbols list doesn’t end here, there are perhaps more to sub-head under the Event category.


Gateways are symbols that separate and recombine flows in a BPMN diagram. There are different types of gateways:

Gateways are BPMN elements that allow the control of paths that can be taken in the BPMN diagram. A gateway can be used to consolidate or split paths or can provide additional paths based on an expression or event.

In a BPMN notation, Gateways checks the working of a process, sequences in-flow, and decides on the options to go with based on the evaluation of the result of a particular scenario.

In a BPMN diagram, the Gateways symbol separates and recombines flows. It can also be used in splitting or consolidating paths or to come up with additional paths based on the event.

The different types of Gateways are – Exclusive Gateway, Inclusive Gateway, Parallel Gateway, Event-based Gateway, and Complex Gateway explained well in Beingcert’s BPMN Certification Program.

How can Beingcert BPMN Certification help the Organization? 

BPM process modelling is resorted to when it’s about understanding the workflow process and function of a company. A Certified BPMN professional utilizes documents and information to generate the business flow process sequencing activities, from start to end. 


Pass out of Beingcert BPMN exam primarily provides statistical visual support to both business and technical users. A BPMN expert provides intuitive notation to stakeholders and is also competent to represent complex process semantics.


A Certified BPMN professional acts as a bridge between business process design and implementation thereby eliminating the communication gap. 


BPMN Certified experts provide business insights highlighting the bottlenecks of a business process in a simple way that is easily grasped by the stakeholders.


A Beingcert BPMN Certified professional models the end-to-end steps of a planned business, an integral aspect in Business Process Management as it visually represents a detailed sequence of activities and the information required to complete a process.

Certification Goal

Expertizing in Business Process Model Notation means excelling in visual presentation, composing a process that consoles business details in an interactive and informative statistical representation, like organization Flow charts, charts, lucid charts, maps, graphs, positioning diagrams etc. 

IT professionals and students need to focus on the techniques to effectively map user-friendly business processes, and have a concise understanding of the best industrial practices concerning process mapping. Real-time visibility and performance updates of key metrics of the business process, including automated workflows, are the integral requirements that employers expect from a certified BPNM expert. 

Beingcert BPMN professional aims to improvise and manage business processes, using key skills like Process Discovery, Process Mapping and process Modeling, metrics, KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), Collaboration and Decision-Making including Process Monitoring.

Why Beingcert

Professionals and candidates who enroll for Beingcert BPMN certification exams have access to download the course curriculum and prepare for the exam accordingly.


Beingcert is one of the industrial aces in providing IT certifications and has earned global recognition. Major MNCs and IT companies prefer Beingcert Certified pass-outs.

Multi Certifications

Not one or two, Beingcert reputes conducting multiple certification examinations which makes it the most popular IT certification provider both in India and beyond.

Exam Format

Multiple choice questions (MCQs) are considered the most effective examination format to measure learning and Beingcert IT Certification exams also follow the same format.

Local Test Center

Beingcert has a global presence and facilitates professionals and students with the option of taking up examinations at any center of their preference. 

Who can enroll for Beingcert BPMN Certification?

If you are an IT professional and seeking to ascend the industrial vertical along with a good pay hike, enroll today in the Beingcert BPMN certification exam.

Even those, looking to gain understanding of organizational operation including methods of improvement, reduce errors and improve compliancy, and promotion to management level, can take up Beingcert BPMN Certification.

Ready for Certification:

Stagnancy in career infers skill deficits and in time, upgrading skill is mandate and wise too. Beingcert BPMN certification exam pattern aligns with glob

al and ISO standards. As technology updates, skills too need to be updated. So what are you waiting for, enroll now.
